Applebee’s Chicken Wonton Tacos


Everyday Culinary Delights 👩‍🍳


Applebee’s Chicken Wonton Tacos are a crowd favorite, combining crispy wonton shells with savory chicken and a refreshing Asian slaw. This dish’s popularity stems from its delightful blend of textures and flavors, making it a sought-after appetizer at the restaurant. The great news is that you can easily recreate this beloved appetizer at home with this copycat recipe.

This copycat recipe is popular because it allows fans of Applebee’s to enjoy their favorite dish without leaving the comfort of their home. Plus, it offers the flexibility to customize ingredients to personal preferences, making it even more appealing. Whether you’re looking to impress guests at a party or enjoy a special meal with family, these Chicken Wonton Tacos are a fantastic choice.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the entire process of making these delicious tacos. We’ll cover the necessary ingredients, detailed preparation steps for the chicken filling and Asian slaw, and tips for baking the wonton shells to perfection. Additionally, we’ll provide insights on assembling the tacos, serving suggestions, and storage tips. By the end of this guide, you’ll be able to recreate Applebee’s Chicken Wonton Tacos with confidence and flair.


To recreate Applebee’s Chicken Wonton Tacos, you’ll need a variety of ingredients divided into three main components: the chicken filling, the Asian slaw, and the wonton shells with toppings.

Ingredients for the Chicken Filling:

  • 2 chicken breasts, finely diced
  • 2 tbsp hoisin sauce
  • 1 tbsp sesame oil
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tsp minced fresh ginger

These ingredients ensure the chicken is flavorful and tender. If you prefer, you can substitute chicken thighs for a richer taste.

Ingredients for the Asian Slaw:

  • 1 bag coleslaw mix (397g)
  • 4 green onions, thinly sliced
  • 1 tbsp sesame oil
  • 1 tbsp rice vinegar
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp honey

This slaw adds a refreshing crunch to the tacos. For a personal touch, you can shred your own cabbage and carrots instead of using pre-packaged coleslaw mix.

Ingredients for the Wonton Shells and Toppings:

  • 16 wonton wrappers
  • Cooking spray or olive/canola oil for baking
  • Sweet chili sauce, to serve
  • Chopped cilantro, to serve
  • Sesame seeds, to serve

The wonton wrappers serve as the taco shells, providing a crispy base for the fillings. To enhance the presentation and flavor, garnish with chopped cilantro and sesame seeds.

Optional Ingredients and Substitutions:

  • Substitute chicken breasts with boneless, skinless chicken thighs for a juicier filling.
  • Add grated carrot or minced mushrooms to the slaw for extra texture and nutrition.
  • For a spicier kick, drizzle Sriracha or add diced jalapeños.
  • For a low-carb option, use lettuce wraps instead of wonton wrappers.

Preparing the Chicken Filling

Creating the perfect chicken filling for your Applebee’s Chicken Wonton Tacos involves marinating and cooking the chicken to achieve a rich, savory flavor. Here’s a detailed guide on how to do it:

Marinating the Chicken

Marinating the chicken is a crucial step to infuse it with deep flavors. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Ingredients for the Marinade:
    • 2 tbsp hoisin sauce
    • 1 tbsp sesame oil
    • 1 tbsp soy sauce
    • 2 cloves garlic, minced
    • 1 tsp minced fresh ginger
  2. Marinating Method:
    • Mixing: In a large bowl, combine the hoisin sauce, sesame oil, soy sauce, minced garlic, and fresh ginger.
    • Adding Chicken: Add the finely diced chicken breasts to the bowl, ensuring each piece is well-coated with the marinade.
    • Time Required: Marinate the chicken for at least 15 minutes to allow the flavors to penetrate. For a more intense flavor, you can marinate the chicken for up to 24 hours in the refrigerator. However, avoid marinating for longer than 24 hours as it can break down the chicken fibers and make the texture mushy.

Cooking the Chicken

Follow these steps to cook the marinated chicken:

  1. Preheating the Pan: Heat a large skillet over high heat. A hot pan ensures a good sear and locks in the juices.
  2. Cooking Process:
    • Add the Chicken: Place the marinated chicken in the skillet. Spread it out to ensure even cooking.
    • Sautéing: Sauté the chicken for 7-8 minutes, tossing frequently. This ensures all sides are cooked evenly. The chicken should turn golden brown and be cooked through without any pink in the center.
  3. Finishing Touches: Once cooked, remove the chicken from the heat and set it aside. Ensure any excess liquid is drained to prevent sogginess when assembling the tacos.

Tips for Ensuring the Chicken is Flavorful and Juicy

  • Use Fresh Ingredients: Fresh garlic and ginger add a more robust flavor compared to dried or powdered versions.
  • Do Not Overcrowd the Pan: Overcrowding can cause the chicken to steam rather than sear, which affects the texture.
  • High Heat: Cooking over high heat helps to quickly sear the chicken, locking in juices and flavors.
  • Consistent Sizing: Dice the chicken into uniform pieces to ensure even cooking.

Making the Asian Slaw

Creating a flavorful and crunchy Asian slaw is essential for complementing the savory chicken filling in your Applebee’s Chicken Wonton Tacos. Here’s how to prepare it:

Ingredients and Preparation Steps

  1. Ingredients:
    • 1 bag coleslaw mix (397g)
    • 4 green onions, thinly sliced
    • 1 tbsp sesame oil
    • 1 tbsp rice vinegar
    • 1 tbsp soy sauce
    • 1 tbsp honey
  2. Preparation Steps:
    • Combine Ingredients: In a large bowl, add the coleslaw mix and sliced green onions.
    • Make the Dressing: In a small bowl, whisk together the sesame oil, rice vinegar, soy sauce, and honey until well combined.
    • Mix the Slaw: Pour the dressing over the coleslaw mix and toss thoroughly to ensure the vegetables are evenly coated.

Tips for Customizing the Slaw

  • Adjust the Acidity: If you prefer a tangier slaw, add more rice vinegar to taste.
  • Fresh Ingredients: For a fresher crunch, consider shredding your own cabbage and carrots instead of using pre-packaged coleslaw mix.
  • Spice It Up: Add a dash of chili flakes or a few drops of Sriracha for a spicy kick.
  • Add Fruits: Incorporate sliced apples or mango for a sweet twist.
  • Texture Variations: Include additional vegetables like bell peppers or cucumbers for extra texture.

Storing and Preparing the Slaw in Advance

  • Prepare Ahead: You can prepare the slaw up to a day in advance. This allows the flavors to meld together beautifully.
  • Storage: Store the slaw in an airtight container in the refrigerator. If making in advance, keep the dressing separate and combine it with the slaw mix just before serving to maintain the crispness of the vegetables.
  • Refresh Before Serving: If the slaw becomes slightly wilted, refresh it with a small splash of rice vinegar and a quick toss before assembling your tacos.

Baking the Wonton Shells

Creating the perfect wonton shells is crucial for achieving the authentic texture of Applebee’s Chicken Wonton Tacos. Here’s a step-by-step guide to shaping and baking them, along with some tips and alternatives.

Step-by-Step Guide to Shaping and Baking the Wonton Wrappers

  1. Preheat the Oven: Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C).
  2. Prepare the Wonton Wrappers: Lightly spray or brush each wonton wrapper with cooking spray or a bit of olive oil to help them crisp up.
  3. Shape the Shells:
    • Using a Baking Dish: Drape the wonton wrappers over the side of a 9×13-inch baking dish to form a taco shape.
    • Using Muffin Tins: Alternatively, you can place the wonton wrappers inside the cups of a muffin tin to create a slightly different shape.
  4. Bake the Wonton Shells:
    • Initial Bake: Place the baking dish or muffin tin in the preheated oven. Bake for 7-8 minutes, watching closely to prevent burning.
    • Reshape: Remove from the oven and gently reshape the wontons while they are still pliable.
    • Final Bake: Return to the oven and bake for an additional 7-8 minutes until they are golden brown and crispy.
  5. Cool and Store: Let the wonton shells cool completely on a wire rack to maintain their crispiness.

Alternatives to Baking

  • Frying: For an even crispier texture, you can fry the wonton wrappers. Heat oil in a deep pan to 350°F (175°C). Fry the wrappers one at a time for about 30 seconds or until golden brown. Drain on paper towels to remove excess oil.
  • Air Fryer: Use an air fryer for a healthier alternative. Preheat the air fryer to 375°F (190°C) and cook the wonton wrappers for 5-6 minutes, checking frequently.

Tips for Ensuring the Shells are Crispy

  • Consistent Oil Application: Make sure each wonton wrapper is evenly coated with oil or cooking spray. This helps them crisp up uniformly.
  • Avoid Overcrowding: Whether baking or frying, ensure the wonton wrappers have enough space to cook evenly without sticking to each other.
  • Immediate Reshaping: Reshape the wonton shells while they are still hot and pliable. This prevents them from breaking and helps maintain the desired shape.
  • Cool Completely: Allow the shells to cool completely on a wire rack. This prevents steam from making them soggy.

Assembling the Tacos

Once you have your crispy wonton shells, savory chicken filling, and crunchy Asian slaw ready, it’s time to assemble your Applebee’s Chicken Wonton Tacos. Here’s a step-by-step guide to putting it all together, along with tips to ensure they stay crispy and delicious.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Assembling the Tacos

  1. Prepare Your Ingredients:
    • Ensure your chicken filling is warm but not hot.
    • Have your Asian slaw mixed and ready.
    • Lay out your crispy wonton shells on a serving plate.
  2. Fill the Wonton Shells:
    • Add the Chicken: Start by spooning approximately 2 tablespoons of the chicken filling into each wonton shell. Make sure the chicken is evenly distributed.
    • Top with Slaw: Next, add a generous amount of the Asian slaw on top of the chicken. This adds crunch and freshness to each bite.
  3. Final Touches:
    • Drizzle Sweet Chili Sauce: Lightly drizzle sweet chili sauce over the top of each taco for a touch of sweetness and spice.
    • Garnish: Sprinkle chopped cilantro and sesame seeds over the tacos for added flavor and visual appeal.

Tips for Preventing Sogginess

  • Assemble Just Before Serving: To keep the wonton shells crispy, assemble the tacos right before serving. Avoid letting the filling sit in the shells for too long.
  • Drain Excess Liquid: Ensure that both the chicken filling and slaw are well-drained before adding them to the shells. Excess moisture can quickly make the shells soggy.
  • Use a Slotted Spoon: When transferring the chicken filling and slaw to the shells, use a slotted spoon to let any excess liquid drain off.

Adding the Final Touches:

  • Sweet Chili Sauce: Drizzling sweet chili sauce adds a balanced sweetness and slight heat that complements the savory chicken and tangy slaw perfectly.
  • Chopped Cilantro: Fresh cilantro provides a burst of herbaceous flavor and a vibrant green color.
  • Sesame Seeds: Toasted sesame seeds add a subtle nutty flavor and a slight crunch, enhancing the overall texture of the tacos.

Serving Suggestions

Pairing Suggestions:

  • Sides:
    • Edamame: Lightly salted edamame is a great side that complements the flavors of the Chicken Wonton Tacos without overwhelming them.
    • Spring Rolls: Crispy spring rolls filled with vegetables and served with a dipping sauce make a perfect appetizer or side dish.
    • Asian Cucumber Salad: A refreshing cucumber salad with rice vinegar, sesame oil, and a touch of sugar can balance the rich flavors of the tacos.
  • Drinks:
    • Iced Green Tea: A chilled green tea provides a refreshing contrast to the savory tacos.
    • Mango Smoothie: A fruity mango smoothie adds a sweet and creamy counterpoint to the meal.
    • Sake: For an alcoholic option, a light and slightly sweet sake can enhance the dining experience.

Presentation Tips:

  • Serving Platter: Arrange the assembled tacos on a large, flat serving platter. This allows guests to easily see and access the tacos.
  • Garnish Generously: Sprinkle extra cilantro and sesame seeds over the top of the tacos on the platter for a vibrant and inviting look.
  • Individual Plates: If serving at a dinner party, consider presenting each guest with two or three tacos on individual plates, garnished with a lime wedge for added zest.
  • Dipping Sauce: Provide small bowls of sweet chili sauce or soy sauce for guests to dip their tacos into, adding an interactive element to the meal.

Storage and Reheating

Best Practices for Storing Leftovers

To ensure your Chicken Wonton Tacos maintain their quality and flavor, proper storage is key. Here’s how to store each component effectively:

  • Chicken Filling:
    • Place the cooked chicken filling in an airtight container.
    • Store in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days.
  • Asian Slaw:
    • Store the slaw separately in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
    • It can last up to 2 days. For best results, keep the dressing separate and mix it with the slaw just before serving to maintain its crunch.
  • Wonton Shells:
    • Keep the wonton shells in an airtight container at room temperature for up to one day.
    • If they soften, re-crisp them in the oven before use.

Reheating Tips to Maintain Crispiness

Maintaining the crispiness of your wonton shells when reheating is crucial. Follow these steps for the best results:

  • Wonton Shells:
    • Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C).
    • Place the wonton shells on a baking sheet and heat them for 3-4 minutes until they regain their crispiness.
  • Chicken Filling:
    • Reheat the chicken filling in a skillet over medium heat, stirring occasionally until heated through.
    • You can also reheat in the microwave, but use short intervals and stir between each to ensure even heating.

Freezing the Chicken Mixture for Future Use

If you want to prepare the chicken filling in advance and freeze it for future meals, follow these steps:

  • Cool the Chicken: Allow the cooked chicken filling to cool completely before freezing.
  • Portioning: Divide the chicken into portion-sized amounts. This makes it easier to defrost only what you need.
  • Freezing: Place the chicken in freezer-safe containers or heavy-duty freezer bags. Remove as much air as possible to prevent freezer burn.
  • Labeling: Label the containers with the date so you can keep track of how long they’ve been stored.
  • Storage Duration: The chicken filling can be frozen for up to 3 months.
  • Defrosting: When ready to use, defrost the chicken in the refrigerator overnight. Reheat as described above.


Can I use a different type of meat?

Yes, you can easily substitute the chicken with other types of meat to suit your preferences. Ground beef, pork, or even shrimp can be great alternatives. When using beef or pork, follow the same marinating and cooking instructions as for the chicken. For shrimp, marinate them briefly (about 15-20 minutes) and cook until they turn pink and opaque, which usually takes 2-3 minutes per side. Another popular option is to use tofu for a vegetarian version. Simply marinate and cook the tofu as you would the chicken.

How do I make the tacos spicier?

If you like your tacos with a bit more kick, there are several ways to spice things up:

  • Add Sriracha: Drizzle Sriracha sauce over the assembled tacos.
  • Chili Flakes: Incorporate red chili flakes into the chicken marinade or sprinkle them over the finished tacos.
  • Hot Peppers: Include sliced jalapeños or serrano peppers in the slaw for an added punch.
  • Spicy Marinade: Mix in a tablespoon of your favorite hot sauce with the chicken marinade for an extra layer of heat.

What if I can’t find wonton wrappers?

If you can’t find wonton wrappers, there are a few alternatives you can use:

  • Tortilla Chips: Use large tortilla chips to create a nacho-style taco.
  • Lettuce Wraps: For a low-carb option, use large lettuce leaves as the taco shell.
  • Egg Roll Wrappers: Cut egg roll wrappers into smaller squares and bake or fry them as you would wonton wrappers.
  • Homemade Wonton Wrappers: If you’re up for a bit of a challenge, you can make wonton wrappers from scratch using flour, water, and a pinch of salt.

Can I prepare components in advance?

Yes, preparing components in advance can save time and make assembly quicker:

  • Chicken Filling: Marinate and cook the chicken up to 24 hours in advance. Store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
  • Asian Slaw: Prepare the slaw a day ahead but keep the dressing separate. Mix them together just before serving to maintain the slaw’s crunch.
  • Wonton Shells: Bake the wonton shells a day ahead and store them in an airtight container at room temperature. If they lose their crispiness, reheat them in the oven for a few minutes before serving.

By preparing these components ahead of time, you can streamline the process and ensure your Chicken Wonton Tacos are fresh and delicious when you’re ready to serve them.

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Applebee’s Chicken Wonton Tacos

  • Author: Naomi
  • Total Time: 40 minutes
  • Yield: 4 servings


Recreate the beloved Applebee’s Chicken Wonton Tacos at home with this easy-to-follow recipe. These tacos feature crispy wonton shells filled with savory marinated chicken and topped with a refreshing Asian slaw.


2 chicken breasts, finely diced
2 tbsp hoisin sauce
1 tbsp sesame oil
1 tbsp soy sauce
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp minced fresh ginger
1 bag coleslaw
4 green onions, thinly sliced
1 tbsp sesame oil
1 tbsp rice vinegar
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp honey
16 wonton wrappers
Sweet chili sauce, to serve
Chopped cilantro, to serve
Sesame seeds, to serve


Preheat oven to 375°F. Spray wonton wrappers with cooking spray or brush with a bit of olive/canola oil, then drape over the side of a 9×13 baking dish. Bake for 7-8 minutes, watching closely so they don’t burn. Take wonton shells out of the oven, then gently pull them apart while they are still pliable so that they are more easily filled with toppings. Bake another 7-8 minutes until crispy.
Mix diced raw chicken in a large bowl with hoisin sauce, sesame oil, soy sauce, garlic, and ginger. Heat a large skillet over high heat and sauté chicken for 7-8 minutes, tossing frequently until cooked through.
Meanwhile, mix ingredients for coleslaw together in a large bowl: coleslaw mix, green onions, sesame oil, rice vinegar, soy sauce, and honey.
Add chicken mixture to wonton shells, then top with coleslaw. Drizzle with sweet chili sauce and sprinkle with chopped cilantro and sesame seeds. Serve and enjoy!


  • Chicken Substitutes: Feel free to use ground beef, pork, shrimp, or tofu as alternatives to chicken. Adjust cooking times accordingly to ensure the meat or tofu is thoroughly cooked.
  • Spice Level: To make the tacos spicier, add Sriracha, chili flakes, or hot peppers to the chicken marinade or as toppings.
  • Wonton Wrappers Alternatives: If you can’t find wonton wrappers, use tortilla chips, lettuce wraps, or egg roll wrappers as substitutes. You can also make wonton wrappers from scratch if desired.
  • Advance Preparation: You can marinate and cook the chicken, prepare the slaw, and bake the wonton shells in advance to streamline the assembly process. Store each component separately to maintain freshness and texture.
  • Storage Tips: Store the chicken filling and slaw in the refrigerator, and keep the wonton shells at room temperature in an airtight container. Reheat the shells briefly in the oven if they lose their crispiness.
  • Freezing Chicken Filling: The chicken filling can be frozen for up to three months. Cool completely, portion into freezer-safe containers, and label with the date. Defrost in the refrigerator before reheating.
  • Prep Time: 20 minutes
  • Cook Time: 20 minutes
  • Category: Chicken
  • Cuisine: American


  • Calories: 350 kcal

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