Creamy Potato & Hamburger Soup Made In the Crockpot


Everyday Culinary Delights 👩‍🍳


As the days grow colder, few things are as comforting as a warm bowl of hearty soup. Creamy Potato & Hamburger Soup is the perfect dish to cozy up with on chilly evenings. Made in a crockpot, this soup combines the richness of ground beef, the creaminess of Velveeta cheese, and the heartiness of potatoes and vegetables, creating a delicious, filling meal.

Crockpot cooking is ideal for this recipe because it allows the flavors to slowly meld together, resulting in a more flavorful soup without the need for constant attention. Simply set it, and let the crockpot work its magic. Whether you’re preparing for a busy weeknight or looking to impress guests with minimal effort, this creamy soup is the perfect comfort food solution.

Key Ingredients Breakdown

  • Lean Ground Beef: Lean ground beef is the perfect choice for soups because it’s flavorful without being overly greasy. It adds a hearty, meaty component to the soup while maintaining a balanced texture. Lean beef also keeps the soup lighter compared to higher-fat meats.
  • Russet Potatoes: Russet potatoes are the ideal choice for creamy soups due to their high starch content, which breaks down during cooking to thicken the soup and provide a rich, velvety texture. These potatoes hold their shape well and absorb the broth, making each bite satisfying and delicious.
  • Frozen Vegetable Mix: Using frozen vegetables is a convenient way to add nutrition and color to the soup without the hassle of prepping fresh vegetables. Frozen veggies are picked at peak ripeness and flash-frozen, preserving their nutrients. Plus, they save time in the kitchen.
  • Velveeta Cheese: Velveeta is a classic choice for achieving the creamy consistency that defines this soup. Its smooth melting properties create a rich and luxurious texture, making every spoonful extra indulgent. It blends seamlessly into the broth, ensuring a consistently creamy base.

Benefits of Crockpot Cooking 

Crockpot cooking offers a simple yet effective way to create deeply flavorful soups without spending hours in the kitchen. By cooking the ingredients low and slow, the crockpot allows all the flavors to blend together gradually, which enhances the taste of each component. The gentle simmering also ensures that ingredients like potatoes and vegetables become tender without falling apart.

One of the biggest advantages of using a crockpot is the convenience. You can prepare everything in the morning, set the crockpot, and come back hours later to a hot, ready-to-eat meal. It’s an excellent choice for busy households or days when you don’t have time to stand over the stove.

In comparison, stovetop cooking requires more attention and faster cooking, which might not develop the same depth of flavor. However, for those short on time, the stovetop method is still a viable alternative.

Step-by-Step Recipe Instructions

Step 1: Browning the Beef and Onion 

Browning the ground beef and onions is an essential first step to building flavor in this soup. When beef is browned, the Maillard reaction occurs, which enhances the overall taste by adding deep, savory flavors to the dish. This reaction gives the meat a rich, caramelized surface, which translates into a more flavorful soup base.

To achieve the perfect browning, heat a skillet over medium-high heat and spread the beef out evenly. Avoid stirring too often; let the meat sear for a few minutes to develop a golden-brown crust. When adding the onions, sauté them until soft and slightly translucent, which enhances their natural sweetness. Be patient, as rushing this step can prevent the onions from fully caramelizing.

After browning, it’s crucial to drain the excess grease. This helps prevent the soup from becoming too oily, ensuring a cleaner, more pleasant texture. Leaving the fat in can overpower the other flavors and make the soup feel too heavy.

Step 2: Adding Garlic for Extra Flavor 

Garlic is an essential flavor booster in this soup, adding a layer of savory depth. Cooking the garlic for only 1-2 minutes ensures it becomes fragrant without burning. If overcooked, garlic can turn bitter, affecting the overall flavor of the soup. By sautéing it briefly after browning the beef and onions, the garlic releases its natural oils, infusing the soup with a subtle, nutty aroma. Since garlic is potent, a small amount goes a long way, enhancing the flavors of the beef, potatoes, and cheese without overpowering the dish.

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Step 3: Adding Potatoes and Chicken Broth 

Russet potatoes are ideal for creamy soups like this one due to their high starch content. As they cook, the starches break down, giving the soup a thick, smooth consistency without the need for heavy cream. Russet potatoes also hold up well during long cooking times, ensuring that they maintain their structure rather than turning mushy.

Adding chicken broth to the soup provides a rich, savory base that complements the beef and vegetables. While chicken broth offers a lighter, more delicate flavor, you could also substitute it with vegetable or beef broth depending on your taste preference. Vegetable broth keeps the soup lighter and allows the other ingredients to shine, while beef broth would create a deeper, more robust flavor. Regardless of the broth choice, it’s important to ensure that it’s low-sodium so you can control the salt levels in the soup.

Step 4: Adding Vegetables and Spices 

Using frozen vegetables in this soup offers convenience without sacrificing nutrition. Frozen vegetables are picked at their peak freshness and immediately frozen, which helps lock in their nutrients. They are also pre-chopped, saving you time in preparation. You can use a standard mix of peas, carrots, corn, and green beans, or customize the soup with your favorite combination of frozen veggies.

The spices—basil and parsley—play a key role in flavoring the soup. Dried basil brings a subtle sweetness and peppery flavor, while parsley adds a fresh, herbal note that brightens the overall taste. Both herbs complement the creamy base and the rich beef flavors perfectly.

For those seeking even more flavor depth, additional spices like paprika, thyme, or rosemary can be incorporated. Paprika adds a smoky undertone, thyme contributes an earthy note, and rosemary offers a fragrant, woodsy flavor. These spices enhance the soup’s complexity, allowing you to tailor the dish to your preferred flavor profile.

Step 5: Slow Cooking in the Crockpot

When slow cooking in a crockpot, you have the choice of cooking on high or low. Cooking on low for 6-8 hours allows the flavors to develop more fully, giving the soup a deeper, richer taste. The slow simmering tenderizes the potatoes, beef, and vegetables, resulting in a perfectly balanced dish where all ingredients have had time to meld together.

Cooking on high, however, speeds up the process, and the soup will be ready in 3-4 hours. While the flavors may not be as deeply developed as the low-and-slow method, this is still a great option for when you’re short on time.

To check if the potatoes are tender, pierce them with a fork. If they break apart easily, they’re done. Be mindful not to overcook them, as this can lead to a mushy texture.

Step 6: Stovetop Alternative 

If you don’t have a crockpot or prefer a quicker option, this soup can also be made on the stovetop. After browning the beef, onions, and garlic, add the potatoes, broth, vegetables, and spices to a large stockpot. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 30-40 minutes, or until the potatoes are tender. Stir occasionally to ensure even cooking.

While stovetop cooking requires more attention than the crockpot method, it still delivers a flavorful, hearty soup in a shorter amount of time.

Step 7: Thickening the Soup with Cornstarch and Milk 

Cornstarch is an effective thickener for soups because it creates a smooth, creamy texture without altering the flavor. In this recipe, it’s combined with milk, which helps incorporate the thickening agent into the soup without clumping. To avoid lumps, whisk the cornstarch and milk together thoroughly until the mixture is smooth and free of any lumps before adding it to the soup.

Slowly stirring the cornstarch mixture into the hot soup ensures even distribution, preventing any grainy or uneven consistency. Cornstarch thickens the soup as it heats, so allow it a few minutes to do its job before assessing whether you need more.

If you don’t have cornstarch on hand, you can use alternative thickeners. Flour mixed with a bit of water (to create a slurry) works well, or you can use potato flakes to add thickness while maintaining the potato flavor. For a richer texture, you can substitute heavy cream for milk, though this will make the soup denser and more indulgent.

Step 8: Adding Velveeta for Creaminess 

Velveeta cheese is a fantastic choice for this soup because of its smooth, creamy melting properties. Unlike traditional block cheeses, which can sometimes become stringy or clump together when melted, Velveeta melts into a silky, homogeneous consistency that gives the soup its signature creamy texture. It also adds a mild, comforting flavor that complements the other ingredients without overpowering them.

If Velveeta isn’t available, other cheeses like cheddar or gouda can be used. Cheddar will impart a sharper, tangier taste, while gouda adds a smoky, buttery flavor. However, these cheeses may require more attention while melting to ensure the soup remains smooth and lump-free.

Serving Suggestions and Tips

Serving Ideas and Garnishes 

This creamy potato and hamburger soup is a hearty meal on its own, but it pairs beautifully with a variety of sides to round out the experience. Warm crusty bread or garlic bread is an excellent choice for dipping into the creamy broth, soaking up the delicious flavors. A fresh green salad with a light vinaigrette provides a crisp, refreshing contrast to the rich soup.

For garnishing, fresh parsley adds a pop of color and a mild, herbal flavor. If you’re looking to enhance the soup’s richness, a dollop of sour cream on top works wonderfully. Crumbled bacon brings a salty crunch, making the soup even more indulgent.

To store leftovers, transfer the cooled soup into an airtight container and refrigerate for up to 3 days. When reheating, warm it gently on the stovetop over medium heat, stirring occasionally, or in the microwave in short bursts. If the soup thickens too much, simply add a splash of milk or broth to reach your desired consistency.

Customizations & Variations 

This soup is incredibly versatile and can be customized to suit various tastes and dietary needs. For added richness, consider stirring in cooked bacon bits, sausage, or ham. These meats add a smoky depth of flavor, making the soup even heartier. For a spicy twist, you could incorporate diced jalapeños or a dash of cayenne pepper for heat.

To make the soup dairy-free or lactose-free, substitute the milk with coconut milk or almond milk. There are also excellent dairy-free cheeses on the market, such as cashew-based or soy-based options, which melt well and maintain the soup’s creamy consistency.

For a vegetarian version, replace the ground beef with plant-based meat substitutes or hearty lentils. Lentils add protein and a satisfying texture while absorbing the soup’s flavors beautifully. You could also experiment with other vegetables like spinach, zucchini, or mushrooms for additional nutrients and flavors.

With these variations, the soup remains flexible and accommodating, making it a perfect go-to recipe for different tastes and preferences.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I use fresh vegetables instead of frozen?

Yes, you can absolutely use fresh vegetables in place of frozen ones. Simply chop them into bite-sized pieces before adding them to the soup. Keep in mind that fresh vegetables may require a slightly longer cooking time than frozen ones, so adjust accordingly.

Can I make this soup dairy-free?

Yes, to make this soup dairy-free, substitute the milk with coconut milk, almond milk, or another non-dairy alternative. You can also use dairy-free cheese alternatives, such as cashew-based or soy-based cheeses, that melt well and maintain the creamy texture.

What is the best way to store and freeze the soup?

Store leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. To freeze, let the soup cool completely, then transfer it to a freezer-safe container. The soup can be frozen for up to 3 months. Thaw it overnight in the fridge before reheating, and stir in a little broth or milk if the consistency becomes too thick.

Can I substitute the ground beef with another protein?

Absolutely! You can substitute ground beef with ground turkey, chicken, or sausage. For a vegetarian option, lentils, chickpeas, or plant-based meat substitutes work well.

How can I make this soup spicier?

To add heat, try incorporating diced jalapeños, red pepper flakes, or a dash of cayenne pepper. You can also add a splash of hot sauce to the broth for extra spice.


This Creamy Potato & Hamburger Soup is the ultimate comfort food, offering warmth, heartiness, and rich flavors all in one bowl. The combination of tender potatoes, savory ground beef, and creamy Velveeta cheese makes for an irresistible meal, perfect for cold days or when you’re craving something indulgent. Using a crockpot simplifies the cooking process, allowing the ingredients to slowly meld together and develop deep flavors with minimal effort.

The versatility of this recipe means it’s easy to customize, whether you want to make it spicier, vegetarian, or dairy-free. No matter how you adapt it, the soup remains a crowd-pleaser and a comforting dish for any occasion. Give this recipe a try, and feel free to experiment with your own twists to make it your own. It’s guaranteed to become a favorite in your meal rotation!

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Creamy Potato & Hamburger Soup Made In the Crockpot

  • Author: Christine


This Creamy Potato & Hamburger Soup is the perfect comforting dish for chilly days or busy weeknights. Combining hearty ground beef, tender potatoes, and a medley of vegetables, all wrapped in a creamy, cheesy broth, this soup is an easy crowd-pleaser. The slow-cooking process in the crockpot allows the flavors to meld beautifully, creating a rich, deeply satisfying meal without the need for constant supervision. Whether you’re looking for a set-it-and-forget-it meal or a creamy, indulgent soup, this recipe checks all the boxes.


  • 1 1/2 pounds lean ground beef
  • 1 medium white onion peeled and diced
  • 1 large garlic clove minced
  • 6 cups chicken broth
  • 6 cups peeled and diced Russet potatoes
  • 2 cups frozen vegetable mix
  • 3 teaspoons dried basil
  • 2 teaspoons dried parsley flakes
  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 8 ounces Velveeta cheese cubed


  • Brown Ground Beef: Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat, brown 1 1/2 pounds ground beef with 1 diced onion for 6-8 minutes until beef is fully browned and onions softened.
  • Drain Grease: Drain excess grease from the skillet to prevent the soup from becoming greasy.
  • Cook Garlic: Add 1 minced garlic clove to the skillet and cook for 1-2 minutes until fragrant.
  • Transfer to Crockpot: Transfer the beef mixture to the crockpot or stockpot.
  • Add Potatoes and Broth: Add 6 cups diced Russet potatoes and 6 cups chicken broth to the crockpot or stockpot.
  • Add Vegetables and Spices: Stir in 2 cups frozen vegetable mix, 3 teaspoons dried basil, and 2 teaspoons dried parsley flakes.
  • Crockpot Cooking: Set crockpot on low for 6-8 hours or on high for 3-4 hours until potatoes are tender.
  • Stovetop Cooking: Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 30-40 minutes until potatoes are tender.
  • Prepare Cornstarch Mixture: In a small bowl, whisk 2 tablespoons cornstarch with 1 1/2 cups milk until smooth.
  • Thicken Soup: Slowly stir the cornstarch mixture into the soup to thicken.
  • Add Velveeta Cheese: Stir in 8 ounces cubed Velveeta cheese until melted and smooth.
  • Serve: Ladle the soup into bowls, garnish with parsley if desired, and serve hot.


  • Customizable Ingredients: This recipe is highly flexible, allowing you to substitute different proteins, use fresh or frozen vegetables, or even adapt it for dairy-free or vegetarian diets.
  • Slow Cooker vs. Stovetop: While the crockpot method allows for a hands-off approach, the stovetop version still delivers excellent results in a shorter time frame.
  • Thickening Options: If you want a thicker soup, you can increase the amount of cornstarch or use a combination of heavy cream for an even richer texture. Similarly, if you prefer a thinner consistency, simply add more broth or milk to adjust.

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