Homemade Crunchwrap Supreme


Everyday Culinary Delights 👩‍🍳


The homemade Crunchwrap Supreme is a delicious and fun-to-make dish inspired by the popular Taco Bell menu item. It consists of seasoned ground beef (or your protein of choice), fresh vegetables like lettuce and tomatoes, nacho cheese, shredded cheddar cheese, sour cream, and tostada shells, all wrapped in a large flour tortilla and cooked to crispy perfection. The key feature is the “crunch” from the tostada shell, providing a perfect contrast to the soft tortilla and creamy ingredients. This recipe is easy to prepare and is a great way to enjoy a fast-food favorite in the comfort of your home.

History and Origin of the Crunchwrap Supreme

The Crunchwrap Supreme was first introduced by Taco Bell in 2005, and it quickly became one of the most iconic items on their menu. It was created as a portable, handheld meal that combines the flavors of a taco and a quesadilla with an added crunchy texture from the tostada shell. Inspired by the layered textures and customizable fillings, home cooks began recreating their versions of this fast-food classic, adapting it to their preferences and dietary needs. Today, it remains a favorite for its unique structure and satisfying flavor profile.

Why Make It at Home?

There are several compelling reasons to make a Crunchwrap Supreme at home rather than buying one from a fast-food chain:

  • Cost-effective: Preparing your Crunchwrap allows you to make several servings at a fraction of the price of dining out.
  • Healthier: By controlling the ingredients, you can reduce unnecessary fats, sodium, and preservatives, making it a healthier meal option.
  • Customizable: The ability to swap out ingredients (different proteins, cheeses, or sauces) means you can tailor the recipe to suit your taste or dietary requirements, whether vegetarian, vegan, or gluten-free.

Ingredient Overview and Substitutions

Ground Beef Options 

Ground beef is the traditional protein used in a Crunchwrap Supreme, providing a rich, savory base that pairs well with the other ingredients. However, you can easily swap it out based on your preferences or dietary needs:

  • Ground Turkey or Chicken: These leaner options work well if you’re looking to reduce fat content while still enjoying a similar texture.
  • Vegetarian Protein Crumbles: For a meat-free version, plant-based crumbles or tofu can be used to mimic the ground beef texture.
  • Beans or Lentils: Vegetarians can also opt for black beans, pinto beans, or lentils for a wholesome and filling alternative.

Taco Seasoning Mix 

Taco seasoning is a convenient way to flavor the ground beef, adding essential spices like cumin, paprika, and chili powder. While pre-packaged seasoning mixes are readily available, making your own allows you to adjust the spice level to your liking. A homemade mix also helps you control sodium and eliminate preservatives.

Fresh Ingredients: Lettuce, Tomatoes, and Cheese 

Fresh ingredients like shredded lettuce and diced tomatoes add a crisp, juicy texture that balances the richness of the meat and cheese. Shredded cheddar cheese is the classic choice for a Crunchwrap, but you can experiment with other options like Pepper Jack for a spicier kick or a Mexican cheese blend for added creaminess.

Nacho Cheese Sauce and Sour Cream 

The nacho cheese sauce brings a creamy, indulgent element to the Crunchwrap, helping to bind the ingredients together. It adds a distinct tang and smooth texture. Sour cream complements the heat of the taco seasoning by adding a cool, creamy layer that balances the flavors while keeping the wrap moist.

Tortilla and Tostada Shells 

Choosing the right tortilla is essential for the structure of the Crunchwrap. Large, pliable flour tortillas are ideal for wrapping all the fillings without tearing. The tostada shell provides the signature crunch at the center of the wrap. It adds texture and prevents the wrap from being overly soft.

Cooking Oil or Spray 

A light coating of cooking oil or spray is necessary to crisp up the tortilla when cooking the Crunchwrap. It ensures that the outside gets golden brown while maintaining a tender interior. Using oil also helps to create an evenly toasted surface, giving it that iconic crunch.

Step-by-Step Instructions 

Step 1: Cooking and Seasoning the Ground Beef

Start by heating a large skillet over medium heat. Add 1 pound of ground beef and use a spatula to break it into smaller pieces. Allow the meat to cook for 7-10 minutes, stirring occasionally until fully browned. Ensuring the beef is evenly browned is crucial for rich flavor and proper texture in your Crunchwrap.
Once the beef is cooked, drain any excess grease from the skillet. This step is important to prevent the wrap from becoming soggy during assembly.

Next, sprinkle in 1 packet of taco seasoning mix and follow the instructions on the packet. Typically, you’ll add a small amount of water and allow the meat to simmer for 5 minutes to let the seasoning soak into the beef. You can adjust the seasoning according to your spice tolerance by adding chili flakes or omitting spicy elements.
For substitutes like ground turkey, chicken, or plant-based crumbles, follow the same steps, keeping in mind that leaner meats may require less draining.

Step 2: Preparing the Tortillas 

Warming the tortillas is a crucial step to ensure they are pliable and easier to fold. Cold tortillas tend to tear when folded, so warming softens them, allowing for a smoother assembly. You can either warm the 6 large flour tortillas in the microwave by stacking them between damp paper towels and heating for 20-30 seconds, or you can heat them one by one in a dry skillet for a few seconds on each side.

Avoid over-warming them, which may make them too soft to hold their shape during folding. Warm tortillas are also less likely to crack or tear when forming the Crunchwrap.

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Step 3: Assembling the Crunchwrap 

To start assembling the Crunchwrap, lay one warmed tortilla flat on your workspace. Begin by placing a tostada shell in the center of the tortilla. Spread a generous layer of nacho cheese sauce over the tostada shell, which will help it stick to the following layers. Next, spoon a portion of the seasoned ground beef (or your protein substitute) directly onto the tostada shell. Use about ¼ to ⅓ cup of meat, ensuring that it’s evenly distributed across the surface without overloading.

After the meat, sprinkle some shredded cheddar cheese evenly over the beef, followed by a layer of fresh shredded lettuce and diced tomatoes. Finally, add a dollop of sour cream on top of the vegetables. Be careful not to overfill the Crunchwrap, as this could make it difficult to fold properly.

Even distribution of ingredients is key to ensuring that every bite has a good mix of flavors and textures. Visualize the balance between the crispy tostada shell, rich beef, fresh veggies, and creamy sauces to achieve a perfect Crunchwrap.

Step 4: Folding Technique for the Crunchwrap 

The folding technique is what gives the Crunchwrap its unique hexagonal shape and keeps all the ingredients neatly contained. Start by carefully folding the edges of the tortilla up and over the center. Begin at the bottom of the tortilla and make a small fold towards the center, holding it down with your hand. Continue working your way around the tortilla, folding in sections to create a hexagonal pattern. Each fold should slightly overlap the previous one to ensure the wrap is tightly sealed.

If your tortilla is not large enough to completely enclose the fillings, you can use a small extra tortilla piece to cover the open center before cooking. This step will help prevent any filling from spilling out.

Folding the wrap without tearing requires a bit of practice, but once mastered, it ensures the Crunchwrap will hold together during cooking. For visual learners, a quick online video tutorial can help demonstrate this process clearly.

Step 5: Cooking the Crunchwrap 

Once your Crunchwrap is assembled and folded, it’s time to cook it to achieve that delicious crispy exterior. Heat a large skillet over medium heat and lightly coat it with cooking spray or oil. Place the Crunchwrap folded-side down in the hot skillet first. Cooking it this way helps the wrap stay sealed as it cooks. Let it cook for 2-3 minutes, checking occasionally to ensure the bottom is turning a golden-brown color.

After the bottom is crisped, carefully flip the Crunchwrap with a spatula and cook the other side for an additional 2-3 minutes. Both sides should be golden and crispy, while the inside remains warm and melty.

For an even crispier result, try cooking the Crunchwrap in an air fryer at 375°F (190°C) for 4-5 minutes per side. Alternatively, you can bake it in the oven at 400°F (200°C) for about 8-10 minutes, flipping halfway through.

Whether skillet-cooked or air-fried, the goal is to achieve a crunchy exterior without burning the tortilla while ensuring the inside stays warm and flavorful.

Customizations and Variations 

Protein Variations 

One of the best things about making a homemade Crunchwrap Supreme is the ability to customize it to your taste and dietary preferences. While ground beef is the traditional choice, you can easily swap it out for other protein options:

  • Shredded Chicken: Use seasoned, slow-cooked, or rotisserie chicken for a lighter, yet equally delicious Crunchwrap. You can season the chicken with taco seasoning or a blend of cumin, paprika, and garlic.
  • Shredded Pork: Pulled pork adds a rich and flavorful twist. A slow-cooked pork shoulder or carnitas will bring a juicy and tender texture to your wrap.
  • Vegetarian Options: For a meat-free version, opt for hearty black beans or refried beans as the protein base. You can also use lentils, which are a good source of plant-based protein, or crumbled tofu, which absorbs the flavors of the seasoning very well.

These protein alternatives allow for endless variations while keeping the Crunchwrap just as satisfying.

Vegetarian and Vegan Options 

For vegetarians and vegans, it’s easy to adapt the Crunchwrap Supreme to suit your dietary needs:

  • Plant-Based Meat: Use a plant-based ground beef substitute like Beyond Meat or Impossible Meat for a texture similar to ground beef. These options are perfect for replicating the classic Crunchwrap flavor without animal products.
  • Vegan Cheese: Replace the dairy-based cheese with vegan cheese, which is available in nacho-style sauces or shredded forms. Many brands melt well and provide a creamy texture similar to regular cheese.
  • Dairy-Free Sour Cream: You can swap traditional sour cream with dairy-free alternatives, made from coconut or cashew bases, which maintain a similar tangy flavor.

With so many excellent plant-based products on the market, making a vegan Crunchwrap Supreme is easier than ever, allowing everyone to enjoy this tasty meal while adhering to their dietary preferences.

Adding Extra Toppings 

A Crunchwrap Supreme can be elevated by adding extra toppings to enhance flavor and texture. Here are some popular topping options:

  • Guacamole: Adds a creamy, rich flavor with a hint of freshness.
  • Salsa: Choose between mild, medium, or hot salsa for an additional burst of tangy, spicy flavor.
  • Jalapeños: For those who enjoy some heat, adding fresh or pickled jalapeños can spice up your Crunchwrap.
  • Olives: Sliced black olives offer a salty, tangy bite.
  • Hot Sauce: Customize the heat level by drizzling your favorite hot sauce inside the wrap before folding.

These toppings allow you to add personal touches and experiment with bold flavors.

Healthy Modifications 

To make your Crunchwrap Supreme a bit healthier without sacrificing flavor, try these modifications:

  • Whole Wheat Tortillas: Use whole wheat tortillas instead of traditional flour tortillas for added fiber and nutrients.
  • Low-Fat Cheese and Light Sour Cream: Opt for reduced-fat versions of cheese and sour cream to cut down on saturated fats while still keeping the wrap creamy.
  • Reduce the Nacho Cheese: While nacho cheese adds a lot of flavor, you can reduce the amount to make the Crunchwrap lighter without losing its indulgent taste.

Tips for Success 

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Wrap Falling Apart 
One of the most common issues when making a Crunchwrap Supreme is the tortilla tearing or the wrap falling apart during folding or cooking. This often happens due to overstuffing or using cold tortillas. To avoid this, make sure to evenly distribute the ingredients without overloading them. Warm your tortillas beforehand to make them more pliable and easier to fold without cracking. If your tortilla is too small to cover the fillings, use a small tortilla piece to reinforce the center. Also, fold the wrap tightly to keep all ingredients secured during cooking.

Soggy Tortilla 
A soggy tortilla can ruin the texture of your Crunchwrap. To avoid this, make sure to drain the excess grease from the cooked ground beef before assembling. If using fresh tomatoes, consider removing some of the seeds and juices to prevent moisture from soaking into the tortilla. Additionally, adding wet ingredients like salsa or sour cream in moderation will help prevent the tortilla from becoming too soft. Cooking the Crunchwrap quickly on a hot skillet will also help crisp up the outer layers and reduce the chance of sogginess.

Even Cooking 
To achieve an evenly cooked Crunchwrap with a crispy exterior, it’s important to control the heat. Medium heat is ideal to prevent burning the tortilla while ensuring the fillings are warm inside. Cook the Crunchwrap folded-side down first to seal the wrap and prevent it from opening. After 2-3 minutes, carefully flip the Crunchwrap with a spatula to cook the other side evenly. Avoid pressing down too hard, as this can cause the fillings to burst out. If using an air fryer or oven, rotate the wrap halfway through cooking for even browning.

Serving and Storing the Crunchwrap Supreme

Best Ways to Serve 
For the best experience, serve the Crunchwrap Supreme immediately after cooking while it’s still hot and crispy. You can garnish it with additional toppings like extra sour cream, guacamole, salsa, or a side of fresh salad to balance out the richness. Adding a side of tortilla chips and salsa or some seasoned rice completes the meal. If you enjoy heat, a dash of hot sauce will elevate the flavors.

Storing Leftovers and Reheating Tips 
If you have leftover Crunchwraps, store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. When reheating, avoid the microwave, as it can make the tortilla soggy. Instead, reheat the wrap on a skillet or in an air fryer to revive its crispy texture. Heat each side for 2-3 minutes until warmed through. If reheating in an oven, preheat to 350°F (175°C) and bake for about 10 minutes, flipping halfway through. This method ensures the Crunchwrap remains crispy and delicious.

FAQs Section 

Can I make a Crunchwrap Supreme in an air fryer? 

Yes, you can make a Crunchwrap Supreme in an air fryer, and it’s a great way to achieve a crispy exterior without using much oil. Preheat your air fryer to 375°F (190°C). Place the assembled Crunchwrap folded-side down in the basket, and cook for 4-5 minutes. Flip the wrap and cook for another 3-4 minutes, until both sides are golden brown and crispy. The air fryer gives an even, crunchy texture similar to skillet-cooking, but it’s faster and often easier. Be sure not to overcrowd the air fryer to ensure even cooking.

What’s the best way to reheat a Crunchwrap Supreme? 

To reheat a Crunchwrap Supreme while maintaining its crispy texture, avoid the microwave. Instead, use a skillet or air fryer. In a skillet, cook each side for 2-3 minutes over medium heat until the wrap is crispy and the insides are warmed. For the air fryer, preheat it to 350°F (175°C) and cook the wrap for 4-5 minutes, flipping halfway through. If using an oven, preheat to 350°F (175°C) and bake for about 10 minutes, flipping once. These methods will restore the Crunchwrap’s crunch without making it soggy.

What other cheeses can I use for a Crunchwrap Supreme? 

While shredded cheddar cheese and nacho cheese sauce are traditional, you can experiment with a variety of cheeses to customize your Crunchwrap. Pepper Jack adds a spicy kick, while a Mexican cheese blend offers a creamier, more complex flavor. Monterey Jack or Colby Jack are milder options that melt well, providing a smooth texture. For a more indulgent twist, use queso fresco or even a homemade queso dip. These cheese alternatives can add depth and variety to your Crunchwrap, catering to your flavor preferences.

Can I make this recipe gluten-free?

Yes, you can easily adapt this recipe to be gluten-free. Simply swap the regular flour tortillas for gluten-free tortillas, which are available at most grocery stores. Make sure the tostada shells and taco seasoning you use are also labeled gluten-free, as some seasonings may contain hidden gluten. Additionally, check that any cheese sauce or other condiments, such as sour cream, are gluten-free. By making these adjustments, you can enjoy a delicious, crispy Crunchwrap without compromising on flavor or texture, while adhering to a gluten-free diet.


The homemade Crunchwrap Supreme offers a versatile and fun way to recreate a fast-food favorite in your own kitchen. Its unique blend of textures, from the crunchy tostada shell to the soft tortilla and creamy fillings, makes it a satisfying meal for any occasion. Not only is it more affordable than eating out, but it also gives you control over the ingredients, allowing for healthier, more personalized options.

One of the most appealing aspects of making a Crunchwrap at home is the ability to customize it. Whether you prefer classic ground beef or want to experiment with shredded chicken, pulled pork, or vegetarian fillings, the possibilities are endless. Additionally, you can switch up the cheeses, add extra toppings, or even make it gluten-free or vegan, ensuring there’s something for everyone.

With the tips and variations provided, you’re now equipped to create the perfect Crunchwrap Supreme. Be creative with your ingredients, pay attention to the folding and cooking techniques, and you’ll have a crunchy, flavorful meal that rivals any restaurant version. Enjoy the process and have fun experimenting with new flavors and combinations!

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Homemade Crunchwrap Supreme

  • Author: Christine


The Homemade Crunchwrap Supreme is a delicious, customizable version of the popular Taco Bell menu item. It’s filled with seasoned ground beef, fresh vegetables, and cheese, all wrapped up with a crunchy tostada shell inside a soft flour tortilla. Whether you’re looking for a more cost-effective or healthier alternative to the fast-food version, this recipe offers the perfect balance of flavors and textures, with endless opportunities to customize it based on your preferences. Plus, it’s easy to prepare and can be tailored to fit a variety of dietary needs.


  • 1 pound ground beef: You can substitute with ground turkey, chicken, or vegetarian protein crumbles.
  • 1 packet taco seasoning mix: Adjust seasoning to taste based on your choice of protein.
  • 1 cup shredded lettuce
  • 1 cup diced tomatoes
  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1 cup nacho cheese sauce
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 6 large flour tortillas
  • 6 tostada shells
  • Cooking spray or oil: For cooking the tortillas to a crispy golden brown.


  • Cook the Ground Beef: Heat a large skillet over medium heat. Add the ground beef, breaking it up as it cooks until fully browned, about 7-10 minutes. Drain any excess grease.
  • Season the Beef: Stir in the taco seasoning mix and follow the packet instructions, adding water as needed. Simmer until the seasoning is well incorporated and the mixture thickens.
  • Prepare the Tortillas: Warm the flour tortillas slightly in the microwave or a hot pan to make them pliable.
  • Assemble the Crunch Wrap Supreme: Lay a tortilla flat, place a tostada shell in the center, spread nacho cheese sauce, add seasoned beef, shredded lettuce, diced tomatoes, shredded cheddar cheese, and a dollop of sour cream.
  • Fold the Tortilla: Carefully fold the edges of the tortilla up and over the fillings, creating a hexagonal shape.
  • Cook the Crunch Wrap Supreme: Heat a large skillet over medium heat, coat with cooking spray or oil, and place the Crunch Wrap folded-side down. Cook for 2-3 minutes until golden brown, then flip and cook the other side for another 2-3 minutes.
  • Serve and Enjoy: Serve immediately and enjoy with additional salsa, guacamole, or sour cream on the side.


  • Substitutions: You can swap the ground beef for other proteins like shredded chicken, pork, or plant-based crumbles.
  • Tortilla Size: If your tortillas are too small, consider using a second smaller piece to reinforce the wrap.
  • Storage and Reheating: Store leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 2 days. Reheat in a skillet or air fryer to maintain the crispy texture.

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